Every parent wants to see their children grow up in a safe and healthy environment, but unfortunately, most of us don’t even know how to babyproof our homes. Our dwellings are built to be living spaces for adults, making them dangerous for small humans. They are intrinsically interested and developing mischievous talents daily.
In this article, we’ll teach you how to babyproof your home to help prevent injuries and mishaps.
1- Keeping a close eye on electrical outlets
When babies begin to crawl, the habit of sticking their fingers into every nook and cranny of the house, we must use electric socket covers to cover the electric sockets. Parents should also watch for other electric appliances in the home and ensure that their child does not mess with them.
2- Keeping doors closed
Parents should exercise caution near stairwells, install safety gates at the tops of stairs, and close and lock doors leading to stairwells.
3- Check your doorstops
Many doorstops feature a cap that is easily removed. If yours are easily removed, use super glue to keep them in place. They are a choking threat if you don’t.
4- Keeping doors and cupboards locked
When an infant begins crawling and walking, their next fascination is exploring places and things and having new experiences. One thing parent may do is keep cupboards and doors closed to prevent children from opening them. Stores sell a variety of baby-proofing devices.
5- Guards for the fireplace
A cushioned fireplace hearth protector helps soften the surface of the fireplace, making it safer. There are also fireplace door locks and fireplace baby gate devices available to keep your child away from the fireplace itself.
6- Take precautions around your pool
A toddler who is not supervised can drown in seconds. Make sure your child does not become a statistic by utilizing pool covers and installing a pool fence, which educates them from an early age that they cannot wander around the pool unless you are present.
7- Keeping chemicals at bay
The most prevalent case is when a child plays with laundry detergent and ends up with some inside them. These hazardous compounds can be extremely damaging to children. Even all of your medications should be stored out of sight and out of reach of children.
The most important thing is to give your beautiful young one a specific safe zone where you can play with anything. Every parent should give this area where everything may be baby-friendly. We can’t make the entire house baby-friendly, but at least a room can be made their own.
Noel Projects, Kerala’s most trusted builder, always considers your children’s safety in our designs and structure construction.