Most of the apartments in Kerala have enough space to arrange or decorate their balcony in an attractive way. The balcony is usually the last space you have in mind when planning a renovation or remodel for your home. It often gets overlooked but the truth is the balcony is a very important space and a great asset to an apartment. Depending on its size, shape and layout, there are several design strategies you can adopt.
1. Plan for your balcony garden
While planning for your balcony garden, first develop a rough idea about the elements you need there, like what kind of plants you wish to grow. When you decide about the plants, make sure that the varieties that you select flourish in your balcony. East facing balconies receive the morning sunlight, plants that require gentle sunlight would grow well in East facing balconies. The West receives sunlight during the peak hours, so plants that require maximum sunlight like the flowering plants can be grown well on this side. South is similar to the West side, but balconies facing the Northern side is mostly shady, creepers and climbers love shade and hence grow well there.
2. Pots for growing plants
Containers of plants should necessarily have a hole in them to let the excess water out, you also need to think about the path that excess water takes after watering them. Pots need to complement the colour and size of your balcony too. If you have a small balcony, your pots can be high and lean consuming very less space. You can experiment with decorating your pots as well to give them a personal touch. Pots shall not weigh so much for it’s better to not give your balcony too much load.
3. Use the vertical space
You can maximize the space available in the balcony by using the verticals. Try hanging pots, use the balcony’s railings to fix a few plants, you may even place an old shelf or rack on your balcony to place the tiny pots. Petunia, Geranium, Water Hyssop, English Ivy and Orchids are some plants that easily be hung in your balconies.
4. Furniture
Balconies adorned with a garden would be an exquisite place to sit and relax. Don’t overdo your balcony with too much flower pots because you may not have ample area to place essential furniture there, like a tea table and two chairs. Always choose easy to use and maintain furniture to be used in such open spaces because they always exposed to outside weather conditions day and night. Use dark coloured furniture if you have a sunny balcony for they will heat up only slowly.
5. Adding an extra element of beauty and feel to it
To make your garden simple and lovely choose a colour palette for it. Do not mix flowers of all colours, a maximum of 3 colours can be used other than green to set up your balcony garden. This will delete the chance of over cluttering and give it an airy feel. You can also embellish the space with pebbles, gravel, coloured stones and accessories like hanging lamps to give it a splendid look. Smell is yet another factor that many people miss when they set up a balcony garden. Plants like Jasmine, Rosemary and Eucalyptus will fill your home with fragrance and freshness always.
For more details: Noel Projects